

The Nice List: Gifts for the Budding Feminist

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Guest columnist Lesa Hannah is a beauty writer/editor who guest edited an issue of Sassy, the seminal feminist teen magazine when she was 19 and due to the pandemic, still hasn't seen Bikini Kill live. Follow her on Instagram at @lesahannah.

By Lesa Hannah

The world will be infinitely better if we keep teaching the next generation to continue to smash the patriarchy.


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To menstruate in modern times is to 1) be mindful of the environmental waste you create when using disposable pads and tampons, and 2) be in touch with your body and not be grossed out and shamed by a natural process. Menstrual cups were once only for the Earth Mother type, but they’ve been growing so much in popularity that there’s now endless options beyond the OG Diva Cup. Made in Canada, Nixit, $54, is modeled after a diaphragm and collects blood right under the cervix. It’s also made of soft, thin and flexible silicone so it’s easy to insert and once in, utterly undetectable because where it sits has less nerve endings. As a backup for when the cup runneth over or to be worn instead of a cup because of light flow (lucky you), there’s period underwear by The Period Company. Co-founded by gamine, politically aware, cool AF Hollywood stylist Karla Welch, the brand makes six styles in black cotton, from Bikini to The Sleeper. Each pair is $16 compared to the typical $40 plus from other brands. You’re damn right I ordered $100 worth for myself. 

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As if 2020 wasn’t shitty enough, we lost feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsberg. The liberal SCOTUS (and second woman to serve on the bench) pushed for progressive votes on issues like abortion, voting and same-sex rights and was capable of holding a plank position well into her 80s. She also had a mean scrunchie collection but I digress. Honour the woman’s legacy with I Dissent, $25, a game that involves casting your own votes on hot button issues (Are cats jerks? Is a hot dog a sandwich?) or dissenting and standing your ground for more points.

P.S. The documentary about RBG’s life was just added to Netflix so if the younger women in your life haven’t seen it, assign them this as required viewing.



I discovered Bust in 1993--the year it launched-- in NYC and immediately subscribed because I felt it was my duty to support the small feminist mag that miraculously continues to this day! A year’s subscription, $40, will keep any beginning member of the resistance up to date on topics like celebrity, music, fashion, art, and media reported on through a feminist lens. 



With a winter looming that won’t be filled with the usual socializing indoors (I’m going to miss having friends over for cozy, gossipy dinners this year), this may be the time to finally embrace puzzles. This 1000 piece Nevertheless she persisted jigsaw, $20, will pass the time as well as educate the young ‘uns on notable bad asses like Betty Friedan, Angela Davis and Harriet Tubman.

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With Toronto in another lockdown, manicures aren’t possible for the next few weeks, so Leeanne Colley, owner of Tips Nail Bar, our favourite nail bar in the city, came up with the genius idea of Tips Press Refresh . Measure your nails, pick from nail art designs, $75, (courtesy of Colley’s killer team) or a solid shade, $35, and order away. Within three days the press-ons will arrive, along with an orange wood stick, nail file, buffer and alcohol wipe and a link with instructions on how to apply. Your gift recipient will admire their tips while you can feel good about supporting a woman-owned, local business. 



When Kamala Harris pointedly told milquetoast Mike Pence she still had the floor during the Vice Presidential debate back in October, it was as if she was talking on behalf of all women who’d ever had her own words steamrolled by a man’s. It instantly became a memeable moment that deserves to be commemorated on everything from bumper stickers to T-shirts. This I’m Speaking Mug, $27, will do just fine. 



Sewing is a skill that some might see as antiquated and domestic, but whether it’s to make your own masks, tend to minor repairs or shorten pants, the ability and satisfaction of being able to do all of the above cannot be overstated. Seriously, being able to sew makes you feel powerful and in control. After you make that reverse stitch to secure your seam, you’ll find yourself saying “F--k yeah!”  The Singer M2100 Sewing Machine, $190, is reasonably priced and ideal for newbies.