

It’s Not Easy Being Green: Don’t Fear the Mirror this Winter

BeautyLiza Herz2 Comments
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I am in awe of Jennifer Lopez’s steadfast refusal to age and I would like the phone number of the demon who gave her eternal youth. But that doesn’t mean I should attempt to self-tan my way to her level of tawniness. The JLo glow would look very mutton-bronzed-as-lamb on me.

I just need to look marginally less cadaverous as I head into the full-on greenish-white pallor that defines me from November to May. And as fun as it is to scare small children on the subway — “Look, mummy. That lady is dead!” — I don’t want to frighten myself when I stare glumly into the mirror every morning.

So I offer my profound thanks for Charlotte Tilbury’s Overnight Bronze & Glow Mask, a gradual self-tanner slash moisturizing sleep mask. Sleep masks usually leave me cold, but skin plumping *and* tanning is a worthwhile twofer and Tilbury’s version is great (streak free gradual tanning with a heavy dose of overnight plumping, so you wake up less winter-wizened.) All without the usual (unnecessary) strong sleep mask fragrance that dissuades me from using them.

Two nights in a row and then every third night for colour maintenance. Face, neck and for god’s sake don’t forget your ears. Mirrors will soon lose their power over you.